Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Basque History of the World by Mark Kurlansky

"Garea gareana legez."--Let us be what we are.

Basque culture and history are fascinating, and if you do not agree, it is probably because you have not fully looked into the subject. The sheer fact that this nation without a state has managed to survive Roman conquest, the dividing of Europe, and Franco is reason enough to want to learn about them. Add to that their unique language and culture and how could you not be intrigued? Granted I did not know any of these things before I read Kurlansky's book. For me, the bad press Basque separatists have gotten over the years as terrorists in the world media is what made me start asking questions. I hope someday I will be able to visit Euskal Herria, see the ikurriƱa flying, and walk by the Guernica oak tree.

NB-I do not think that the Guernica tree is a post oak, but I was working with what I had in my backyard.

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